Each monster only has one expertise increase to give, if 2 thangies are attacked by a monster of much higher level, only one thangie gets an increase. Thangies directly attacked by monsters get first dibs on their expertise points. Only one expertise point can be gained by each thangie per battle.
Hand weapons and bows must be replaced to get the effect of ability increases, do not calculate RISK using the new physique or agility score until this is done.
A sack counts as a small item - each can carry 3 small items or 1 large item (not extra-large) - thus if you have 3 sacks you can carry 3 large items or 9 small items.
Theoretically you could carry 12 sacks at once, but only the three not containing sacks could actually carry anything, and they would already be full of sacks!
Extra-large items have size ratings, you must have physique, (or Physique+carrying skill), of at least the size rating of the item to carry it.
Want more?! Five extra-small items count as one small item, but 50 fit in a pouch or 300 in a sack. A pouch is an extra-small item.
SKILLS this area is not setup on the basic board (as of this writing)