A storytelling tool for adults

Dungeon Pager


Dungeon Pager is a game creation utility for the internet. All of the samples at the bottom of this page were made with it.

To make a dungeonpage:
1) transload the blank dungeon template
Note: the template page appears gray without the data statement generated by the builder page. You'll need a copy of the template (with a different name) for each map you make.
2) transload the dungeon builder utility
3) transload as many graphics from my directory as you need. Or create your own with your PC or at Iconiser II online drawing program for WebTV
4) Read the instructions.

The dungeon builder is where you "draw" your maps. Choose a monster from the list and click on the map square where you want it to appear. You can use the presets or alter the values manually.

When your map is finished, click the generate button. The values of everything on your map will be converted into a data statement which you will cut and paste into a blank template - the template will then be ready for play. There's also an area of the template for you to write a paragraph or two about the adventure.

The following dungeons were excavated with the dungeon builder, the betas show the history of the project.
best ones are first

sample map set 2 (under construction)
sample map set 1

* After being broken (on Tripod pages) for 2 months, Dungeonpager is now working again. I have only repaired two of the sample maps so far- -42 and 43. to repair maps made with previous versions of the dungeonpager template, cut and paste your old data code to the new version.
Those with a PC can paste the following code to the top of existing map files (right unter the <HTML> tag:

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Because all maps and heroes made with dungeonpager are compatible, you can link your maps directly to those made by other people. Please sign and read the guestbook to contact interested people. I may eventually create a special "world" map with links to lots of dungeon pages.

Dungeon Pager was 90% written on webtv and 10% written on a computer