speech Link url
size =
Speed =
intelligence =
destroyed by
hero  monster
blocks movement
Stacking priority bottom top
Custom Fx
Fx Hero

Fx monsters

WebTV instructions:
When the data document is fully generated you will see the words "ready to cut and paste" in the window below. It may take a minute or more for the process to complete. Your box may seem to freeze, please be patient.
1) Move your select box to the window
2) press the "edit" button
3) press cmd+a to highlight the document
4) then cmd+x to cut it to your memory.
You are then ready to edit (paste) it into a copy of the template.

PC instructions:
1) left click on the first letter in the window
2) drag your cursor out of the box and move it back and forth until the words "ready to cut and paste" are highlighted
3) press ctrl+x to cut it to your clipboard
You are then ready to edit (paste) it into a copy of the template.
This page looks best at "small" text size.