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Combat resolution is divided into segments. The segments are played one at a time, or until the monster(s) die(s). If any heroes are still alive after the close combat segment, the monster is usually considered dead.
under 0, the hero die 0, no effect over 0, 1 mortal wound is healed.
Rolls may be prepared. Add the rating of the time spent between rolls to the roll. If the first roll is prepared, the monster may attack again, (as if the hero were dead).
There are three distant reactions; flee, wait and attack.
There are three close reactions; flee, steal and attack.
Heroes can use interaction and leadership to manipulate
monsters' reactions.
To determine reaction, challenge the total heroes' danger
rating versus the monsters; total bravery rating. Add up-to
any one hero's interact ability roll, or subtract up-to any
one hero's leadership ability roll.
The same roll, (unmodified), is used during the reaction (close) segment. under 0, the monsters flee 0, the monsters are uncertain, (they will not engage in a segment unless the heroes do. over 0, the monsters attack
Fleeing monsters make maneuver rolls to exit the encounter, (see below), until the heros make use of a segment.
over 0, do the previous segment, (or the current one again), next. If already at the reaction - distant segment, the encounter may be exited. 0, do the current segment again under 0, proceed normally