When the heroees and monsters are close enough to swing
swords, wrestle, (and bite), etcetera, the brawling segment
is used. The hero's choice of weapon, (subject to
availability of course), affects the outcome of the battle
as much as the weapon related abilities do.
Roll the dice once for each attack.
Step 1) roll the monster's weapon ability
die, modify by hero's defense, then limit to the monster's
weapon limit.
Step 2) roll the hero's ability die,
modify by monster's defense, then limit according to the
hero's weapon limit.
Step 3) subtract the hero's result from
the monster's.
The result is the damage to the hero.
If the hero is killed, the monster can attack again, but
heroes get a cumulative +1 modifier to their result after
the first attack.
In unarmed combat; defense limit = tactics ability;
weapon ability = fistfight; limit = combat, (no brawling
bonus). Unarmed combat can be used with all the options
Using a weapon 2-handed: adds 1 to physique for limit
purposes, it also reduces all armor worn to 1/2 value.
Normally, only armor points over defense limit are halved in
rating. This option can not be combined with using 2 weapons
at once, or used with a shield.
Using 2 weapons at once: an ability roll of the secondary
weapon can be added to defense. All damage is applied
directly to endurance.
Heroism: another hero can elect to be the target of an
attack before the dice are rolled, but foregoes any armor
rating, (monster's die modifier).
Joining in: other hero(s) can elect to absorb damage for
the target. All the damage to the other hero is applied to
endurance. Up to half the damage can be absorbed at 1:1,
thereafter absorption is at 1:2.
Strategy: monsters that have more than one dice in thier
attack ratings can be "split" into separate attacks. The
monster can decide to do this, or the target hero can test
strategy ability versus the monster's maneuver rating.
The decision to act in heroism must be stated before
attack dice are rolled. Joining is done after attack rolls
are made.
Table 11 weapon limits
blade flail hafted
brawling bonus 1/2 1/2 1/3
combat multiple #/3 #/3 #/2
defense limit a+# a a-#
cost rating # #/2 #/3
# = required physique
a = agility
To find the hero's attack limit with a weapon, add: the
weapon's brawling bonus times the hero's brawling ability.
and the weapon's combat multiple times the her's combat
ability. Note that brawling ability, (not weapon ability),
is used for limit calculation.
If the hero's physique is less than the weapon's required
physique, (#), then reduce the hero's brawling ability by
the difference, attack and defense liits are reduced by the
difference squared.
Defense limit doesn't affect attack limit. Armor rating
points over the weapon's defense limit are halved.
Cost does not affect limits, it is the purchase price of
the weapon, the actual price in silver coins can be found on
the rating:actual table.
Choosing Targets
The monsters go one at a time. Each hero desiring to be a
target challenges tactics ability versus the monster's
maneuver rating.
over 0, the monster must attack that hero.
0, another hero can attempt to be a target.
under 0, the referee chooses the target.