
Chapter IV Spells

Magic is at the center of many legends. The hero, (or villian), capable of magic has powerful weapons, "At his fingertips." Spells can become more powerful than weapons, but only with much study. A wizard can also create enchanted weapons and salves.
In game terms, the power of magic takes two forms, "Circles," and, "Spheres." Powerful spells are high circle and sphere, (a spell may be referred to as 5th circle/4th sphere).

When a spell is cast, at least two tests are made. Focus ability is tested versus the circle of the spell. Channelling ability is tested versus the sphere of the spell.
If both rolls pass, apply the result of the spell
If the focus roll fails, the spell fails
If the channelling roll fails, the spellcaster loses all agility points, and the spell fails
If both rolls fail, all agility is lost, 1 endurance point is lost, and the spell fails.

A hero can use spells until one fails. Each spell used raises the sphere of the next by 2, If the hero engages in ranged combat, subtract one from the range for each spell attempt.
When preparing a spell, test acting ability.
When an illusion is resisted, test illusion ability.
To be able to use a spell, the hero must have current concentration at least equal to the circle of the spell. Concentration is reduced by the current amount of endurance damage on the hero.
To be able to prepare a spell, the hero must have ritual ability at least equal to the sphere of the spell.
To be able to enchant an item, the hero must have ritual ability at least equal to the total power of the spell. Since enchantments are usually done in adventure rounds, time can be spent to increase enchantment ability, (See chapter IX, adventure rounds)

Table 8 Spells use the following chart: 
Power uses  change in circle and sphere per power point (pp) 

Basic               +1/pp 
Range/speed         +2/pp 
Duration            +1/pp 
Multi-target        +1/pp 
Illusion            -1/pp 
Enchantment(create) +2/pp x # of charges 
Enchantment(use)    -1/pp 
  The total so far is called the total power of the spell. 
The circle and sphere equal total power until Time of 
casting modifiers are introduced. 
Casting peculiarities Change in circle or sphere 
Ingredients       -1 circle/silver coin x total power 
Preparation       +1 sphere 

The basic power regulates the final result, (the damage caused in skill dice, or the size of a monster summoned, for example).
The range of a spell is added to the focus or channelling roll, or the encounter distance is used, if lower.
The duration applies only to adventure rounds, (minutes), see the chart.
The multi target option allows the spell to be used on the number of targets specified, (circle/sphere add). There is no advantage to having a higher multi-target rating than the number of targets. If the multi-target rating is 0, then only the caster can be affected.
The illusion option allows the target to a roll to "disbelieve" the spell. The caster tests illusion ability versus the target's knowledge rating plus the illusion power points.
When an enchanted object is made, the power is increased by each charge. When the charge is used the spell can be used as trained but the circle and sphere rolls must still be made, with the enchantment power used as a bonus, (multiple charges can be used without the +2 sphere penalty). An object can have spells enchanted into it until a creation roll fails, but they don't count as multiple charges. If both rolls fail when an enchantment is being created, the item disappears in a flash and puff of smoke. The regular cost of the item can be used toward any ingredient cost once. The only ingredient allowed at the time of use is the item itself, (which disappears). Its cost is added to both rolls, even if its cost was used during creation. To make an enchanment permanent, the total power of use must be zero, and the number of charges must double the basic power, the only ingredient allowed is the item - the spell can be used once per adventure round or encounter, its multiple charges can not be used.
Ingredients must be specified at the time of learning. They must be in the possession of the wizard to cast the spell. The cost listed is if paid in precious metals, otherwise multiply the cost of the spell by the rarity, (percent). They disappear when the spell is cast.
Preparations include gesture, incantations, combining ingredients, etcetera. This must be detailed at the time of learning. Each point allows a re-roll of one die, (at the increased sphere if need be), using the acting ability die.

Table 9 basic effect options 
1 = 1 damage ability 
1 = 1 health die modifier, multiple casting has no effect 
1 = 1 rating decrease, (pick one; maneuver, missile,         

      brawling. Can not reduce below 1 point 
1 = 1 specialty increase (up to double normal rating) 
2 = 1 skill increase (up to double normal rating) 
3 = 1 characteristic increase (up todouble normal rating) 
1 = 1 summoning attribute: 
    1=1 distance/speed 
    1=1 size (1 brawling + 1 armor) 
    1=1 brawling +1 limit 
    1=1 missile +1 limit 
    1=2 armor 
    1=1 endurance maximum 
    1=1 range 
    1=1 maneuver 

When a creature is summoned it will try to engage monsters or other =wise do as the caster wishes. If the spell has a range over 0, it will engage before the heroes, roll as a normal attack but apply differences to te loser's armor rating, if armor reaches 0, the creature dies. A summoned monster can join in.