
   Heroes are numerically accounted for, as described in 
section I. Most legendary heroes are warriors, section II is 
used to resolve battles. Much of the life of a hero is spent 
doing more mundane things, these things aren't often 
featured on TV or in myths, nut they can effect te hero 
greatly. This section involves the everyday situations which 
affect people's lives; eating, healing travelling, etc.

Attacking Inanimate Objects
Inanimate objects only have one characteristic row: Weight:endurance:articulation,hardness,flexibility,supporter s,dependents. Actual weight is found on the table. An attempt to destroy an inanimate object challenges whatever weapon ability the hero uses, (limited normally), or strength, versus the target's hardness, suporters, or flexibility ability. under 0, the object is not affected 0, roll again but don't add the hero'ss linit to the roll over 0, the difference is applied to the target's endurance maximum

If the total damage goes over articulation, the item is not functional, (a door is passable, a cart's wheels are broken, etcetera). If the target is destroyed' (reduced to 0 endurance), nearby objects may be attacked by the item's dependents ability, (when a pillar is destroyed, the cieling is attacked). If an item's supporters are destroyed, supporters ability can't be used as a die modifier. Flexibility speciality advances are added directly to endurance, (when calculating flexibility ability). If flexibility ability is used as a die modifier, use weight to absorb damage.

Ship To Ship Combat
Swashbuckling pirates or traders often become legends. When ships are attacked they are treated as inanimate objects. They have two sections: mast and hull. People aboard ships can be attacked idividually, but they are also attacked by the ship's dependents ability when it takes damage. For each damage point the ship suffers, one crew member is attacked. Ships use articulation ability minus weight as maneuver rating, (other modifiers may apply - The referee may impose modifiers based on individual situations/actions)

Instead of causing mortal wounds, a monster can lower the hero's abilities permanently, (expertise can be gained normally). 1 point = 1 specialty; 2 points = 1 skill; 4 points = 1 characteristic; 8 points = 1 attribute. The attacker may make a request, "let me leave unharmed, and give me 2 gold coins, give me information," etcetera. If the request is honored, the target is freed without losing ability points or mortal wounds. If the hero refuses, the monster dies, unless the hero is the monster's prisoner.

After combat, all agility points are heaed, (except modifiers due to terrain, etcetera - see hardship points). Each day, challenge health skill, versus 3 times the number of current wounds. over 0, heal 1 point, (and the heal die modifier becomes 0) 0, add 1 to the heal die modifier and roll again immediately under 0, add 1 to the die modifier and wait one day. Medical skill and spells can be used to increase the heal die modifier.

Adventure Rounds
Abilities not used in combat are used in one minute turns. They can be prepared, by adding the skill rating of the actual time spent. The roll is limited to double the undjusted skill, (not specialty), rating.

A typical daily, (ten to 12 hours), wage for a trade is about 1 silver, assuming a total raquirements of 100. A better way to guage pay is to total the required test ratings and divide by 1000, the result is one day's pay. When a bank casts a coin, the actual weight is 5 percent less than the face value. If required by another bank, it must make good on the difference. This can only happen when the money is spent to buy land, (these negotiations are mediated by the banks involved). Money is cast deeply and very precisely. A careful merchant will weigh coins in water, (comparing with volume).When lage amounts are exchanged, gold is preferred, a 5 percent charge is incurred for use of silver if gold is listed. Gold is often measured with calipers. The most valuable currency is gem currency. Actual gems are set in gold and each accompanied by a deed. This currency is very rare and hard to exchange.

Role-play Bonus
When a player acts out, or otherwise vocalixes a hero's course of action, it is called roleplaying. In the game, whenever the player does this a modifier is added to the next ability roll. THere is a way to judge the success of the roleplay. The player can simply claim a +1, but must do so before each roll. The referee can grant an additional +1, at any time, but should only do so if the player describes an action especially fitting to the situation.

When a hero uses a trade skill an additional roll must be made, similar to the channelling roll made in magic. Weavers check interaction: tanners check dexterity: smiths check strength, masons check endurance: herders check maneuver: farmers check agility. To pass, the ability roll must exceed the difficulty of the check, (DN). table 10 trade use trade roll fails, check roll passes; 1/2 attempt completed trade roll passes, check roll fails; 1/4 attempt completed both rolls fail; no part is completed If an attemp involves supplies, each attempt uses the full requirement, (failures waste materials).

When assigning a DN to a trade roll, the square root of the reguler cost of the item, (in silver), times 10, is used as the DR. The cost of supplies is the regular cost of the item, plus its size rating, then divided by the cost. Expertise can be gained in trade use. For each solid month making a living in a trade, 1 expertise point is gainsd. Expertise gained in a trade must be dedicated to either the trade (specialization) or the check (whether an attribute or skill).

For each multiple of strength ability the weight total is: add 1 hardship point. Each 2kg and cubic foot equals 1 weight point.

Hardship Points
Usually, hardship points are considered agility damage. Once the hero has more hardship points than agility maximum, all ability rolls are reduced by the differenc. If the hero has more hardship ponts than stamina, skills and specialties can't be used, and characteristics are reduced by the difference.