All of the pictures in a slideshow must be in the same directory of your homepage.
For example, my main homepage directory is . I made a subdirectory named to store images I've made with my computer. I have another directory of images downloaded from the internet called . There are other types of files in each directory, such as sounds and html pages, but I can only use pictures from one directory in each slideshow.

Put your homepage (directory) URL in this box:

As each picture in your show displays, the title bar will indicate a short description. There will also be a drop down list of descriptions for selection out of turn.

Fill out the chart below with the file names of the pictures you want included in the show and the descriptions you want displayed
file name
ex: picture1.gif
picture name
ex: Dad In Hawaii

You are now almost ready to generate your slideshow. Before you do, you should check each image you have listed to be sure you typed it right. If the picture loads in the sample, you typed it right. If pictures look distorted in the preview box that's okay, the pictures in your finished slideshow will be displayed at their actual dimensions and resolution.
To check the images,
click or