UR2 was not designed to run a factory of this complexity. The sheer number of drone modules overloaded her relays. Soon she was sending errors. Overheating became part of her routine. She returned faulty predictions and overlooked data.

Then she met Biff. His shiny plating stirred something in her software. She began modifying her accessories haphasardly. She added a biofusion pump and a linear phase energy projector. Then it occurred to her what they could do together. Biff was polar with a tramp steamer named Gertrude. After UR2 punched a 12' hole through Gertrude's hull IRC was called in. YOU…


The creators were animals with basic intelligence who tinkered randomly until creating self aware robotics.

The program downloaded to every cyberbeing at manufacture is always faulty. Operational defectives are dealt with by the Cyberpolice.
Sometimes a worker bot goes berserk and destroys tools or hacks temporal logs. Sometimes military bots or mainframes malfunction. The latter requires superior encryption and munitions.
Intelligence Return Central (IRC) is overloaded and special agents are always in demand.