Continued on page 6
Record 54
At 09-Jun-98 10:59 PM GMT
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Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; U)
((('tsalright shaks. I'll drop ancient a line and we'll get things moving around here again, no?)))

DM: My email is now call me hymn and you should be able to remember it hehe

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Record 53
At 09-Jun-98 02:57 AM GMT
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Mozilla/3.01C-SYMPA (Win95; U)
ooc-okay guys I am back and just a little lost here where are we and just what are we doing sorry for the long absance, but I was away and then moving and just refound my book marks.

DM: Shakola! HI! we kinda got bored after you left. You traelled westward until coming to the end of the road (an old Elish fortress - now a town whose occupation is the hunting of monsters, which is paid for by the Corum city council.

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Record 52
At 05-Jun-98 04:20 PM GMT
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Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; U)
(((ooc: yes, 'twould love to keep playing. I'll continue to bug shakara... hmm. Definitely mail me if you find anyone, and it has indeed been fun.))) Indeed... thank you for correcting me. Might I buy you a drink?


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Record 51
At 02-Jun-98 04:17 AM GMT
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Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; U)
(((ooc: y'know, ancient, unless at least one other person shows up here 'sides little old me I think this place is going to die))) That it is, that it is my friend. Tell me about how your rangers happened upon a sarnetto... I was not aware that they roamed these parts.

DM: {ooc: yup it is I agree completely. I had a good time and we did finish one full quest (the Snakebrothers). Almost a trilogy really... hmmm it was fun while it lasted. I've advertised in newsgroups but no bites. Do you really want to keep playing? It was much more interesting with some interaction. This is gonna get boring real quick. I'll email you if I get any players :(} You city folk think there are no dangerous monsters out here? Well out rangers work are paid the emperor to kill them all so you can think that. A sarnetto is a moose-size lizard, they are worth a lot of money. Young people use their shimmery skins as cloaks. See there? [A young woman you had noticed earlier is indeed wearing shimmery clothing. The effect is quite dazzling]

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Record 50
At 26-May-98 02:51 AM GMT
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Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; U)
I know many tales of dragons, and heros. Maidens and gold also... I suppose we shall see, eh? *pell moves into a well-lit, unoccupied corner of the room, clears a space, sets a stool in the middle of it, and strikes up a brisk ballad about the great wyrm Le'Eareath and the hero Jagard Tharnolsen*

DM: [During the evening the room fills with voices, smoke, and smiles. One of the patrons come over to you while you are taking a break] Have you heard about the Sarnetto that was killed yesterday? We have the head mounted on the north wall. The fangs are the length of fingers! A band of our best rangers killed it, they will be honored at the town hall tonight, but this is our celebration eh?

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Record 49
At 25-May-98 12:01 AM GMT
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Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; U)
(((ooc: I'm LEADING my stag, silly! ;) ))) *Striding confidently into the town, pell approaches a passerby, asking directions to the nearest inn, upon receiving them, he finds the inn and enters. Drawing up to the innkeeper, he flourishes his cloak that marks him as a bard* Greetings, my good man. I am passing through this part of the country, and was wondering if you might put me and my lady up at this establishment, room and board, in exchange for my playing at your inn and half of all the tips I collect.

DM: What's a tip? Yeah you can stay one night, and if they like your tales you can stay until they get bored. I hope you tells tells of dragons and gold though, because these folks won't sit through those pansy history ballads. [The pewter server he was rubbing is dry and he puts it aside. The room is large with several tables and a high cieling (the roof). There is a door behind the bar leading to the inkeeper's home. A fire is blazing in the chimney alcove, and two women are preparing dinner for the night. It smells delicious, they say it's a savory stew of fresh meats and locally grown vegetables, with a little salt. There are well worn curtains ready to be drawn across the alcove openings, making them into instant private rooms.]

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Record 48
At 24-May-98 04:04 AM GMT
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Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; U)
(((ooc: wonder what happened to shaks?))) *Without hesitation, pell roughly brushes the worst travel dust off his cloak and pants, puts on a rakish smile and, turning to shakara says* Well, m'dear, now the fun begins! *as he strides jauntily into town*

DM: [ooc: you're leaving your Stags (mounts) behind? (hee hee)]

The town consists of two concentric stone walls which are linked to each other by a system of bridges. The square contained is about 100 yards on each side and is filled with the huts of prospectors, hunters, and smiths. This is a working town, with no army/police but a strong militia/posse. Technically it is under the rule of Corum, but in practice the town council makes most decisions. People dress in the garb of their trade in the street and at home, peaceful trades invariably adding a handweapon at the belt.

These towns aren't always inhospitable to strangers but the inhabitants must be approached with care because they are suspicious of strangers. The main gates are open and unattended, except by a few mangy but large warboars which watch you pass with indifference.

The town is bustling with some sort of news. The word Sarnetto is said often. It must be a person, but between the accent of the townspeople and their obvious excitement it is hard to tell by listening. Many of the people break off their convestaions by heading in the same direction.

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Record 47
At 19-May-98 07:13 PM GMT
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Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; U)
*after sitting down to a dinner of stew with the shot squirrels, a chopped potatoe (or two) and some seasonings that pell had recognized, night falls*

DM: Several days pass in such fashion and the settlements become more infrequent. The few other travellers you see ignore you. Eventually you cmoe to a walled town. After which there is no road, only animal and hunting paths.

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Record 46
At 18-May-98 06:30 AM GMT
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Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; U)
(ooc: I don't mind... keeps me on my toes... NEXT time, I'll remember to get some food before leaving! ;) )


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Record 45
At 17-May-98 04:56 AM GMT
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Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; U)
*sighs* I suppose you are right, shaks. I'm still not used to this "on the run" thing. Usually the only thing I have to worry about is, well, myself. Anyway, these squirrels will do for a day... and I guess we'd best keep moving... ((ooc: do we have horses or no?))

DM: [The Innkeeper gave you horses when you left. Come to think of it, he gave you some provisions too. Sorry to be such a nudje.]

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